Reading Music Day
Saturday 18 May 2024 God willing
Maiden Erlegh School in Reading
81 Crescent Road, Reading, RG1 5SL Show map (car park)
Booking is essential! Fill in and submit the form below.
10.00 Arrival, tea and coffee
10.30 Thought for the day: Graham Jackman
10.50 Welcome and information
11.00 Main address: Songs from the spirit (Matt Mundey)
12.00 Lunch (bring your own)
2.00 First workshop session
3.00 Second workshop session
4.00 Tea (provided)
5.30 Preparation for the evening
6.00 Evening of Praise: Creation's Voice!
(Joni Mannell) (concluding about 7.30)
1. Orchestra (Phil Mundey) Bring your instrument and be a part of the orchestra as we rehearse to accompany the Evening of Praise.
2. Blue Worship Book (Amy Parkin) A chance to learn songs from the new Worship Book (due out in April).
3. Improve your singing (Jane Robson) We will explore way of making our hymn singing more uplifting, and practice some old and new hymns.
4. After PTL what? (John Dunstan) How has worship music moved one since PTL? With a chance to sing some songs from PTL2016.
5. Music and Iranians (Hamid Omidwari and David Dunstan) How can we help Iranians to participate in singing at our services?
6. The accompanist (Andrew Walker) Accompanying is important but it's not easy. How to improve our accompanying, or to manage when we have no musicians.
Practical arrangements: please read!
You must book in advance. Otherwise there will be no guarantee of a place at the workshop sessions!
There is no booking fee. A collection will be taken during the day to cover expenses. A guide price will be given at the time, and is expected to be in the region of £10 per person.
Bring your own lunch; tea will be provided.
Please bring a Christadelphian Hymn Book, Praise the Lord, and PTL2016, if you can. We hope to have Praise the Lords and Worship books available to buy on the day.
The day is intended for adults and senior children (particularly if musical). We will provide a crèche (under 5s) and activities for younger children (5-12) if there is a demand, and may call on the help of their parents. Please indicate children’s ages on the booking form.
You will be able to attend two workshop sessions. Please give a third choice in case it is not possible to allocate you your first two choices.
If you wish to play an instrument in the orchestra, please give details on the booking form. If you play a transposing instrument, we can provide transpositions if you book early! We will also tell you beforehand which hymns we are playing. You will need to bring a music stand.
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Please fill in the details of each person attending, then click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
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Fifth person
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