Having watched Abi grow up over the past 17 years, through Sunday School to Study Class, becoming the poised young woman that she now is, I don't suppose that the news of her decision to request baptism was entirely unexpected by most of us. But that doesn't make the occasion of her baptism, on Saturday 11 January, any the less happy or moving. It always stirs the emotions to see anyone, and especially a young person, making a public confession of faith and committing their life to the service of Jesus. On this occasion, the happiness was enhanced by the presence of so many other young people from far and wide; their enthusiastic singing contributed much to the evening, as did Ruth's clarinet accompaniment to the hymns.
The service was very much a family affair in one way, with two grandfathers, two uncles and her own father, Iain, participating, and with Mark Whittaker (the exact relationship apparently too complicated to be explained) giving the talk. But that in no way excluded the rest of us; we all shared in the family's joy, and most of us had the chance to add our personal congratulations and good wishes to Abi afterwards. May God bless her.
Graham Jackman