From 20 January to 6 February 2020, Stephen and Wendy Sykes visited our churches in Liberia and Guinea. Of all the visits they have made to West Africa in recent years this was the most encouraging and productive. They met with nine churches and there were over 30 people wanting to be baptised.
To help them prepare for their journey north-east from Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, Brother Sieh Blamo contacted Francis, a pleasant young man and a calm and safe driver, who had helped them on their last visit. Although he arrived with the same vehicle as before, which they knew to be reliable, it was now a very bright yellow rather than dull green. Perhaps the colour change would improve its performance!
The second part of the visit was centred on N'Zérékoré in Guinea, where 23 baptisms took place. At the nearby village of Kankore the 'surprise' hall being built by the members there was nearing completion: it had been plastered inside and out, the floor concreted, and wooden windows and front door had been added. The elderly head man and elders of the village arrived to give them the official welcome, which included the presentation of cola nuts in a basket of green leaves; he thanked them for bringing the gospel to the village.
Also at Kankore Stephen and Wendy visited a project which has been set up to help four disabled members in the church. Supported by our Newquay (UK) church, the project provides a rice-milling machine which can be run by the disabled members. The people of the village are very happy to bring their rice to be milled as it is the only mill in the village. Payment is made by giving back some of the milled rice. They seem to be doing very well as there was a sack containing 56 kilos of good rice, providing food for the workers, and some of which could be sold in the village.